심각한_질병이야기/Respiratory disorder

폐암관련 가이드라인 모음

Oddientist 2022. 3. 1. 11:23

어떤 질병을 처음 알아볼때는 가이드 라인을 보는 것 만큼 좋은 것이 없습니다. 하지만 그만큼 어려운 것이 없습니다. 누가 한 줄 정리해준 내용이 더 편합니다. 하지만 가이드에 나와 있는 내용을 숙지 하고 있다면 근거를 제시하는데 매우 좋습니다. 폐암과 관련된 링크를 첨부하오니 참고 하길 바랍니다. 



Small-cell lung cancer: ESMO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up (European Society for Medical Oncology, April 2021)

Screening for lung cancer: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, March 2021)


USPSTF Evidence Report: Screening for Lung Cancer

This US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement concludes with moderate certainty that annual screening for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography has a moderate benefit in persons at high risk of lung cancer based on age, total cumu



Pan-Asian adapted clinical practice guidelines for the management of patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: A CSCO-ESMO initiative endorsed by JSMO, KSMO, MOS, SSO and TOS (December 2018)


Metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: ESMO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up (European Society for Medical Oncology, 2018)


Early and locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC): ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up (European Society for Medical Oncology, 2017)


Systemic therapy for stage IV non-small-cell lung cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice guideline update (American Society of Clinical Oncology, October 2015)


Systemic Therapy for Stage IV Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Up

Purpose To provide evidence-based recommendations to update the American Society of Clinical Oncology guideline on systemic therapy for stage IV non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods An Update Committee of the American Society of Clinical Oncology



Adjuvant radiation therapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Executive summary of an American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) evidence-based clinical practice guideline (American Society for Radiation Oncology, May 2015)


Definitive radiation therapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Executive summary of an American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) evidence-based clinical practice guideline (American Society for Radiation Oncology, May 2015)


Providing guidance on lung cancer screening to patients and physicians (American Lung Association, April 2015)


2nd ESMO consensus conference in lung cancer: Locally-advanced stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (European Society for Medical Oncology, 2015)


Annals of Oncology - Journal - Elsevier

Annals of Oncology, the journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology and the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, provides rapid and efficient peer-r…



2nd ESMO consensus conference on lung cancer: Early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer consensus on diagnosis, treatment and follow-up (European Society for Medical Oncology, February 2014)


Annals of Oncology - Journal - Elsevier

Annals of Oncology, the journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology and the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, provides rapid and efficient peer-r…



Management of lung cancer. A national clinical guideline (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, February 2014)


2nd ESMO consensus conference on lung cancer: Non-small-cell lung cancer first-line/second and further lines of treatment in advanced disease (European Society for Medical Oncology, 2014)


Annals of Oncology - Journal - Elsevier

Annals of Oncology, the journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology and the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, provides rapid and efficient peer-r…



Second ESMO consensus conference on lung cancer: Pathology and molecular biomarkers for non-small-cell lung cancer (European Society for Medical Oncology, 2014)


Annals of Oncology - Journal - Elsevier

Annals of Oncology, the journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology and the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, provides rapid and efficient peer-r…



Diagnosis and management of lung cancer: American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (3rd Edition) (American College of Chest Physicians, May 2013)


Treatment of stage I and II non-small cell lung cancer: Diagnosis and management of lung cancer, 3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (American College of Chest Physicians, May 2013)


American Cancer Society lung cancer screening guidelines (American Cancer Society, 2013)


Cancer screening in the United States, 2013: A review of current American Cancer Society guidelines, current issues in cancer screening, and new guidance on cervical cancer screening and lung cancer screening (American Cancer Society, 2013)


Guideline on the evaluation of anticancer medicinal products in man (European Medicines Agency, December 2012)

2022.02.07 - [심각한_질병이야기/Respiratory disorder] - 전세계 폐암 발생률_Lung Cancer Prevalence


전세계 폐암 발생률_Lung Cancer Prevalence

Epidemiology International Agency for Research on cancer (IARC)에 따르면 폐암은 220만 명, 전체 새로운 암 환자의 11.4%를 차지하며 했으며, 전 세계 총사망자는 180만 명으로 전체 암 사망자의 18%로 매우..


2022.02.08 - [심각한_질병이야기/Respiratory disorder] - 전세계 폐암 질병률과 사망률_Morbidity and Mortality


전세계 폐암 질병률과 사망률_Morbidity and Mortality

질병률과 사망률 (Morbidity and Mortality) 폐암 치료의 상당한 발전에도 불구하고, 이 질병은 세계적인 규모로 암 사망의 주요 원인이 되고 있다. IARC에 따르면 2020년 전 세계적으로 폐암으로 사망한


2022.02.24 - [심각한_질병이야기/Respiratory disorder] - 폐암 진단


폐암 진단

 폐암의 증상은 사라지지 않고 시간이 지남에 따라 악화되는 기침, 지속적인 흉통, 객혈, 호흡곤란, 쌕쌕거림 또는 쉰 목소리, 폐렴 또는 기관지염의 반복적인 문제, 목과 얼굴의 부종, 식욕 부
